"I started to feel the importance of the intestinal environment."
"I want to be healthy by adjusting the intestinal environment"
Recently, I think you often hear the phrase "to improve the intestinal environment."
It is said that 100 trillion bacteria live in the intestine, and they are called good bacteria, bad bacteria, and opportunistic bacteria, respectively.
This time" What are the two important things to be aware of when preparing the intestinal environment? I will tell you about.
I will tell you briefly, so please take a look to the end.
What are the two important things to be aware of when preparing the intestinal environment?
First of all, let me tell you from the conclusion The important thing to be aware of when preparing the intestinal environment is "Diversity" and "Balance" is.
It is often said that "quantity and quality are important", but the intestinal environment is the same, and the quantity of "diversity" and the quality of "balance" are important.
Let's actually explain in detail.
The healthier the person, the more diverse the intestinal bacteria
The diversity of the intestinal environment means Many types of intestinal bacteria about it.
Such The more diverse the types of intestinal bacteria, the healthier It is.
Joint survey published in the academic journal "mShere" according to, The intestinal environment of a healthy elderly person is surprisingly similar to that of a healthy person in their thirties. The research result was clarified.
What I learned more from this study is The intestinal environment of healthy people had a variety of fungi It was that.
We also know that people with diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and allergies have less diversity in the intestinal environment than those who do not.
in short Diversity of the intestinal environment is important for our health is.
The diversity of intestinal bacteria changes even as an adult, but if you have children Up to 3 years old is very important is.
This is because the intestinal environment is fluid and unstable until the age of three.
At this time It is important to meet who, what to eat, and where to visit Will be.
Balance is important for the intestinal environment
Another one The intestinal environment is balanced is.
The balance of the intestinal environment is easy to understand. The balance of good bacteria, opportunistic bacteria, and bad bacteria is.
The most well-balanced condition is good bacteria 2: opportunistic bacteria 7: bad bacteria 1 It is said that.
The balance of the intestinal environment seesaw Many people in good health are dominated by good bacteria.
However, if the intestinal environment is out of balance due to a disordered diet or stress, the proportion of bad bacteria will increase and the proportion of good bacteria will decrease, and the balance of the seesaw will also change.
The most important thing to maintain the diversity and balance of the intestinal environment
Next, I would like to tell you about the most important things to maintain the diversity and balance of the intestinal environment.
The most important thing is Eating a diet that makes your intestines happy is.
Besides food, sleep and stress are also involved.
However There is a lot of knowledge that you have to know about food So, I will tell you the most important thing.
A diet that pleases the intestines will improve the intestinal environment and maintain diversity and balance.
A diet that pleases the intestines is rich in "dietary fiber," "oligosaccharides," "lactic acid bacteria," and "fight chemicals." Eat vegetables and fermented foods is.
It is difficult to eat one by one, but there is no problem if you can eat vegetables and fermented foods in your daily diet.
To be a little more specific, Burdock, avocado, legumes and mushrooms are recommended as they contain abundant dietary fiber. is.
If you want to know more about dietary fiber, Article summarizing dietary fiber There is also, so please have a look.
Phytochemicals are functional ingredients that are mainly contained in vegetables, but there is no problem if you are willing to eat all kinds of vegetables without being strongly conscious of them.
There are many types of fermented foods.
Among them, we recommend fermented koji foods such as miso, amazake, and rice vinegar.
Fermented Jiuqu foods are familiar to us in our culture, so we can continue to incorporate them into our daily diet without ending with my boom.
In other words, to maintain the diversity and balance of the intestinal environment It is important to incorporate vegetables and fermented foods into your daily diet is.
in conclusion
How was that?
This time, Important things to be aware of when preparing the intestinal environment "Diversity" and "Balance" I told you about.
To maintain the "diversity" and "balance" of the intestinal environment Incorporate vegetables and fermented foods into your daily diet ..
The diversity and balance of the intestinal environment is also affected by antibiotics and food additives.
Foods that contain antibiotics or food additives No need to ban However, you don't have to take it aggressively, so you'll need to use and eat it in a way that suits your body.
There is also an article that introduces in detail the types of intestinal bacteria such as good bacteria and bad bacteria introduced in this article, so please also take a look.

What are the types of intestinal bacteria? Thorough commentary on the ideal balance and intestinal flora!