1分でわかる!甘酒が「飲む点滴」といわれる理由とは? | フードコスメORYZAE

You can see it in 1 minute! What is the reason why amazake is called "drinking drip"?

"Why is amazake called an intravenous drip?"
"Is amazake rich in nutrition because it is a drip?"

This time "The reason why amazake is called'drinking drip'" I will tell you about it in an easy-to-understand manner.

Amazake, which is generally called "drinking drip", is rice-jiuqu amazake, so this time we will focus on rice-jiuqu amazake.

We will tell you from all perspectives so that you will have a correct understanding of amazake, so please read it to the end.

What is the reason why amazake is called "drinking drip"?

There are two reasons why amazake is called a "drinking drip".

  1. Because it contains a lot of "glucose" which is the main component of the drip.
  2. Amazake contains well-balanced nutrients necessary for the body such as vitamins and amino acids.

(1) Because it contains a lot of "glucose" which is the main component of the drip.

Amazake "Drinking drip" The first reason is said to be Because it contains a lot of "glucose" which is the main component of the drip. is.

The sweetness of amazake is Rice starch converted into sugar by the power of enzymes is.

To explain in a little more detail, rice becomes rice jiuqu when fermented by the power of aspergillus.

Jiuqu contained in rice jiuqu does not make sense as a nutrient, but it produces more than 100 types of enzymes during the fermentation process.

Add water to the rice jiuqu, which is a treasure trove of this enzyme, and adjust the temperature so that the enzyme works easily.

Then In the process of turning rice into rice jiuqu, the remaining components such as starch that could not be converted are further converted into sugars and amino acids by the power of enzymes.

Since the main component of rice is starch, the main component of amazake is glucose.

The enzyme contained in rice jiuqu helps to convert starch into glucose, so the enzyme itself has no special nutrition.

Glucose is the only substance that the brain can use as energy

Glucose is It is the only substance that the brain can use as energy, which is the sugar that is the energy for the activity of animals and plants. is.

Glucose is a very important nutrient for the body, but because it is a sugar, it is often said to be sugar-restricted and disliked.

When we ingest glucose, a secretory hormone called insulin converts it into triglyceride and stores it in fat cells.

Neutral fat plays an important role in storing energy in the body, but triglyceride that is not used as energy becomes subcutaneous fat, so-called "meat is ...".

in short Glucose is an important nutrient for the body, but taking too much can lead to obesity and lifestyle-related diseases. is.

(2) Amazake contains well-balanced nutrients necessary for the body such as vitamins and amino acids.

The second reason why amazake is called "drinking drip" is Amazake contains well-balanced nutrients necessary for the body such as vitamins and amino acids. is.

The enzyme I mentioned earlier converts not only starch and glucose, but also proteins into amino acids and synthesizes vitamins when converting rice into rice jiuqu and amazake.

for that reason, Amazake contains nutrients that were not originally found in rice It is.

Among them, the nutrients that attract attention are "vitamin B1" and "essential amino acids".

Amazake does not become fat because it has vitamin B1, but it converts it into energy.

Glucose in amazake is a source of energy for the body, If you take too much, it will become subcutaneous fat and cause you to get fat Will be.

However, compared to sugar, amazake contains vitamin B1, so it does not turn into fat, but converts it into energy more efficiently.

for that reason Amazake, which is called "drinking drip," is ideal for hydration in the summer and for glucose charging for examinees. is.

Amazake contains all 9 types of essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body

There are a total of nine essential amino acids that our body needs but must get from food.

Amazake contains all nine of its essential amino acids.

The amount of essential amino acids is not as high as that of meat and soy products, but it is overwhelming when compared in drinks.

Essential amino acids are not deficient if you eat a normal diet, but the power of amazake as a "drinking drip" is demonstrated when you cannot eat due to loss of appetite or poor physical condition in the summer.

Amazake is called "drinking drip" but it is not all-purpose

So far The reason why amazake is called "drinking drip" I have explained about.

Amazake is said to be a "drinking drip", but it is not all-purpose.

Certainly, amazake is also excellent in terms of energy charge, vitamins, and nutritional supplements such as essential amino acids.

However It is not the case that you can stay healthy if you drink only amazake.

Vegetables are more abundant in vitamins, and soy products and fish are more abundant in essential amino acids.

Folic acid, which is a type of vitamin, is also a necessary nutrient for pregnant women, but the amount of folic acid contained in amazake is hundreds of times that of spinach.

When you search for amazake, you may feel that you are talking about the nutrition and benefits of amazake.

The important thing is that amazake is nutritious and has an intestinal regulating effect as a drink, but it is a sweet sake that has a daily diet centered on vegetables, soybeans, and other fermented foods.

Amazake is a "drinking drip" and has a good nutritional balance. Drink 1 cup (about 100g) in the morning, snack, before going to bed, etc. Let's eat well while keeping in mind.

in conclusion

How was that?

This time "What is the reason why amazake is called" drinking drip "? " I explained about.

  1. The reason why amazake is called "drinking drip" is that it contains a lot of "glucose" which is the main component of amazake.
  2. Amazake contains well-balanced nutrients necessary for the body such as vitamins and amino acids.

There are two.

Amazake Good nutritional balance, but not all-purpose I also want you to remember that.

It is called food faddism that the idea that "Amazake is good for the body" becomes a biased idea, and by falling into this phenomenon, the boom comes and goes by many times. I repeat that.

There is a daily diet for vegetables, meat, fish, etc., and amazake is a healthy eating habit.

Please enjoy the fermented life by incorporating amazake into your daily diet!

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